[vimeo]http://vimeo.com/78540572[/vimeo]
Check
out
Viktor's
full
part!!
Viktor
Simco
started
Ollies
for
Alzheimers
for
his
grandfather
Bernard
Isaacs
because
he
wanted
to
do
something
that
would
help
bring
snowboarders
and
their
families
who
have
been
affected
with
Alzheimer's
together,
as
well
as
people
who
just
want
to
come
out
and
show
some
love
for
the
cause.
Check
out
some
of
Vik's
footage
from
the
season,
get
hyped
for
the
event,
and
go
Hamilton
in
the
Club
with
For
more
info:
romesnowboards.com/sds-updates/2013/11/viktor-simcos-ollies-for-alzheimers
Facebook
event
page:
facebook.com/events/531399640283103