Toeside Terrors from YoBeat

Toeside Terrors from YoBeat

[vimeo][/vimeo] Hold onto your panties people. Our pals at YoBeat are dropping a solid series of videos. Check out the first episode. Based on the original comic by Justin Leveille "Powder Daze" the Toeside Terrors have come to life and are out to test a bunch of 2013 snowboards. MUSIC LICENSED VIA CC "Claudio Monteverdi - Quel Augelin Che Canta" by The Tudor Consort ( "The Maze" by Zeigenbock Kopf ( "Ballada Bezbożna" by Metalmorphosis ({%22ImageId%22%3A39793678}) "Sgt Frog" by Blank & Kytt ( "DEMON WINGS" by voyageurs ( "Steppin' In" by Audible Intelligence ( Mike Fresh (