[vimeo
width="940"
height="530"]http://vimeo.com/21331843[/vimeo]
"I
did
this
video
for
LevelMag.com
a
few
weeks
back,
and
it's
been
getting
a
lot
of
play
over
there
in
their
player.
This
is
Graphic
Designer
Aaron
Draplin
giving
me
a
"Show
and
Tell"
of
some
of
the
old
packaging
and
more
in
his
archives.
made
this
with
some
footage
had
left
over
from
some
interviews
we
did
for
YoBeat.com,
and
it
was
too
good
to
sit
on.
Aaron
has
become
popular
for
his
solid
design
mixed
with
what
he
would
call
"blow
hard"
personality.
Check
out
his
work,
it's
great
stuff.
If
you'd
like
to
link
to
this,
please
link
to
the
original
posting
in
the
levelmag.com
player
here
levelmag.com/​flicker/​draplin-s-show-and-tell.
Thanks."