Went
on
over
to
the
house
for
some
good
times.
Laurent,
Rocky,
and
Chris
were
there.
Covers!
Granger
was
there.
Chris
trying
to
explain
one
of
Simon's
creations.
Left
to
right:
Doman's
whip,
Simon's
whip,
and
Grenier's
whip.
Larry
doing
some
work
on
the
garage.
Alex
Andrews
was
there
in
crutches.
Despite
an
exploded
spleen
and
knee,
Alex
will
still
amaze
you
this
year
in
The
Leak!
Balboa
blunts.
Timmy
Ronin
stackin
clips.
Laurent
geting
his
back.
Thats
all
from
the
day,
now
watch
Grenier's
edit
below.