[vimeo]http://vimeo.com/42170068[/vimeo]
Scott
Blum
is
sort
of
like
that
eclipse
that
just
happened.
You
might
not
see
him
ride
that
often,
but
when
he
gets
out
there
everyone
enjoys
the
shit
out
of
it!"Scott
Blum
was
on
a
tear
in
Japan.
Dude
really
dug
the
whole
scene.
And
he
really
ripped.
Blum
is
most
definitely
mad
for
bowls.The
Mad
Ones
is
a
a
web-based
video
project
by
Liam
Gallagher.
Inspired
by
the
Beat
Generation
and
specifically
the
writings
of
Jack
Kerouac,
The
Mad
Ones
will
follow
the
freaks,
all
winter
long.
Web
flicks
will
be
released
every
Monday
through
May.
Some
will
be
action
edits,
others
about
odd
balls
or
oddities
seen,
weird
experiences
or
whatever
else
happens
to
happen.
Then,
next
September
it'll
all
be
mashed
into
a
free-for-download
movie."