We
came
to
Sweden
for
a
L1
story
in
Pleasure
Mag
and
they
set
us
up
with
this
place
for
our
hotel.
Super
nice.
Of
course
Jon
gets
the
first
hammer
on
the
trip.
Black
Mike
(Yoshida)
came
along
to
snap
some
photos.
Spot.
Best
brick
wall
in
Sweden.
First
meal
in
Sweden
has
to
be
Meat
balls.
Amazing
stuff.
If
Jordan
hadn't
deleted
his
facebook
i
am
sure
this
would
be
his
profile
picture,
but
due
to
his
high
celebrity
status
he
had
to
delete
it.
Nima
came
along
for
the
ride,
it
was
weird
cause
he
didn't
complain
once...
On
the
left
we
got
Maaaggggnnnnuuusssss
a.k.a.
"ice
man"
(nitro
filmer)
and
on
the
right
we
got
Lorenz
Holder
a.k.a.
Loly,
one
of
the
better
photographers
out
there.
These
dudes
helped
us
out
more
than
you
could
imagine.
Thanks
amigos.
Pictures
don't
lie,
Nima
grew
a
foot
somehow
in
Sweden,
he
is
now
6'3.
Anton
"the
gun"
Gunnarson
folks.
This
guy
is
the
man
for
putting
up
with
us
for
days.
Thanks
Twuan.
Setting
up
a
spot
at
a
cemetery.
One
for
the
homies.
Working
hard.
Nima
wanted
me
to
take
a
photoshoot
of
him
so
he
didn't
have
to
shovel
with
everybody
else.
Standard
breakfast.
Pig
in
a
blanket.
Black
Mike
getting
down
on
the
guitar.
Anton
graciously
let
us
into
his
home,
and
no,
everything
was
not
from
Ikea.
Mike
just
putting
out
the
Vibe
at
the
club.
have
a
couple
of
other
pictures
i
could
put
up
to
end
this
post
but
this
one
seems
the
most
appropriate.
Thanks
Sweden,
Thanks
L1.