North of the Boarder Part 2

North of the Boarder Part 2

Harrison with that slick back haircut We took a drive to check some spots before Jon showed up into town. Maybe the only day we have had some sunshine here so far. Laurent is out for a couple of weeks but came by to help out and test out his brand new winter boots. Getting a hold of Laurent though is always interesting. He needs that wifi. Typical post spot Chez Ashton stop Riley, Joe and Jon checking the progress on our timeline. Gus came by the hotel to sing us a few songs and provide some entertainment. Say your prayers. Gus' personal secretary, Este, has been helping us out at some spots as well as packing him three meals a day. We went to go pick up the drop in and when shoveling out the bed of Laurent's truck I found a missing item of his. Joe is leaving us but in good spirits. He got clipped up on his last day.