We
stopped
by
Jonas'
house
last
night
for
a
sec.
Then
today
we
drove
far
to
the
land
of
the
tree
people.
You
know
you
are
in
the
midwest
when
they
have
to
have
signs
that
say
no
tailgating.
Thats
right.
Dont
drag.
Andy
and
Bob
can
step
aside.
New
photog
in
town.
Check
out
this
cover
of
Darrell
just
got.
Look
who
locked
the
keys
in
the
car.
When
we
were
waiting
for
the
lock
guy
Gus
got
some
noseblunts
page
spread?
Dang,
two
covers
in
one
day!!
By
the
way
look
at
the
determination...
At
the
gas
station
where
we
were
waiting
for
the
lock
guy
we
came
across
a
High
Cascade
fan!!!!
Real
nice