Mini mega post...

Mini mega post...

imgp0525 Brighton is the home resort of many of the VG riders. All around great place. imgp0510 There is some serious BC there. imgp0509 Will's hurt so he came for moral support. imgp0511 Jon wearing what appears to be some kind of L1 jean pant in the BC. imgp0512 Having a dead aim contest.  I won. imgp0494 Mr. Mendenhall looking like he's 50 from all the sun screen that is plastered on his face. imgp0482 Will before, happy as a clam. imgp0493 Will after, mad as a hornet. imgp0495 Ben Gustafson came along for the ride. imgp0513 Will's pre-board stretching ritual. and a soy iced coffee... imgp05201 Mr. Jake Welch joined us for one of Brightons last days open. imgp0523 This thing looks uncomfortable. imgp05241 Jake needs to look good for his gold medalist fiance. imgp0526 Thank you Brighton for always being fun.  No thank you to the National Forest Service for making Brighton close with the most snow they have had all year. imgp0500 Ben hanging with the neighborhood cat T-rex. imgp0529 Will likes to end his day with a little bit of Modern Warfare 2.