[caption
id="attachment_2676"
align="alignnone"
width="655"
caption="the
tools
of
Louif
Paradises
trade"][/caption]
[caption
id="attachment_2675"
align="alignnone"
width="422"
caption="not
a
lot
of
room
to
get
ready
in
the
first
place
we
stayed...
we
moved
pretty
quick"][/caption]
[caption
id="attachment_2679"
align="alignnone"
width="422"
caption="i
had
no
idea
scotty
was
so
musical
...
the
man
had
mad
axe
skills"][/caption]
[caption
id="attachment_2680"
align="alignnone"
width="422"
caption="Grenier
opening
his
account
with
a
switch
nose
press
in
the
parking
lot"][/caption]
[caption
id="attachment_2681"
align="alignnone"
width="422"
caption="he
needed
more
speed...
scotty
shows
some
leadership
skills"][/caption]
[caption
id="attachment_2682"
align="alignnone"
width="422"
caption="SHIT
HOLE"][/caption]
[caption
id="attachment_2716"
align="alignnone"
width="655"
caption="strp
on
some
bindings,
bit
of
wax...
good
to
go"][/caption]
[caption
id="attachment_2717"
align="alignnone"
width="422"
caption="louif....
lookin
sharp"][/caption]
[caption
id="attachment_2718"
align="alignnone"
width="655"
caption="Grenier
and
Scotty
got
real
close
on
this
trip
hey"][/caption]
[caption
id="attachment_2691"
align="alignnone"
width="655"
caption="Here
we
are
at
Solomon
in
Stockholm..
they
have
their
offices
in
the
Raddison
hotel..
here
were
getting
hooked
up
with
everything
we
will
ever
need.
Rob
the
guy
that
runs
the
show
there...
Such
a
BOSS"][/caption]
[caption
id="attachment_2726"
align="alignnone"
width="655"
caption="Saab
/
Solomon
colab.....
java
was
pissed
he
didnt
have
one"][/caption]
[caption
id="attachment_2727"
align="alignnone"
width="655"
caption="Mc
Stockholm....
planin
the
night
sesh"][/caption]
[caption
id="attachment_2728"
align="alignnone"
width="655"
caption="that
megaphone
there
is
the
best
euros
i
ever
spent"][/caption]
[caption
id="attachment_2729"
align="alignnone"
width="655"
caption="oh
hi
there"][/caption]
[caption
id="attachment_2730"
align="alignnone"
width="655"
caption="java...
driver...
leader...
team
manager...
planer..
here
he
is
doing
all
three"][/caption]
[caption
id="attachment_2698"
align="alignnone"
width="655"
caption="SPOT!!!!!!!"][/caption]
[caption
id="attachment_2732"
align="alignnone"
width="655"
caption="SPOT!!!"][/caption]
[caption
id="attachment_2733"
align="alignnone"
width="655"
caption="art
shoot
set
up
......
wait
to
see
these
portraits...
i
cant"][/caption]
[caption
id="attachment_2734"
align="alignnone"
width="563"
caption="i
woke
up
to
this
a
couple
times
ay...
oli
g,
a
solid
axe
man"][/caption]
[caption
id="attachment_2736"
align="alignnone"
width="655"
caption="i
held
a
little
facebook
profile
pic
shoot...
NBD"][/caption]
[caption
id="attachment_2702"
align="alignnone"
width="655"
caption="you
could
cook
a
steak
with
those
eyes"][/caption]
[caption
id="attachment_2807"
align="alignnone"
width="655"
caption="now
here
is
a
ladies
and
gentlemen
Kareen
El
Raffe...
he
hooked
us
up
with
spots
and
a
ramp
and
a
whole
heap
of
other
shit....
biggest
boss
i
have
seen
thus
far"][/caption]
[caption
id="attachment_2737"
align="alignnone"
width="563"
caption="Kareems
Ramp......
serious
...
absoulutly
no
fuckin
joke"][/caption]
[caption
id="attachment_2738"
align="alignnone"
width="655"
caption="BOOM"][/caption]
[caption
id="attachment_2739"
align="alignnone"
width="655"
caption="scenes"][/caption]
[caption
id="attachment_2740"
align="alignnone"
width="563"
caption="SPOT!!!!"][/caption]
[caption
id="attachment_2741"
align="alignnone"
width="655"
caption="extreme
by
ing
with
Oli
G"][/caption]
[caption
id="attachment_2742"
align="alignnone"
width="655"
caption="yeah
we
can
load
a
van..
kind
of"][/caption]
[caption
id="attachment_2743"
align="alignnone"
width="600"
caption="i
spotted
this
in
the
elevator.....
i
took
the
stairs
with
my
wheelie
bin...
"][/caption]
[caption
id="attachment_2744"
align="alignnone"
width="655"
caption="next
morning
fueling
up.....
i
will
leave
you
with
this
one
till
a
few
days
keep
checking
back"][/caption]
ok
so
Part
will
be
up
soon......
oh
and
just
so
you
know
i
am
saving
all
the
party
photos
for
the
last
post......
Oh
shit
oh
shit
oh
shit