Caution,
D-bag's
got
a
shovel.
Mr.
Justin
Bennee
joined
us
for
our
trip.
Think
Thank
crew
came
to
say
goodbye
to
us
and
while
that
was
going
down
Justin
stole
Chips
bored.
Mr.
Andrew
Wright
came
to
snap
some
photos.
@Fukin_a_wright
is
his
instagram.
Add
him!
Jon
doing
his
pre-spot
instagramming.
Bennee
doing
his
pre-spot
stretching.
Larry
had
an
accident,
Separated
joint.
This
is
when
the
pain
started
to
set
in.
We
sat
in
these
chairs
for
hours
to
give
Larry
a
goddamn
sling.
Larry
must
have
been
depressed
because
he
put
sugars
in
that
small
cup
of
coffee.
He
owed
me
a
whopping
$15,
so
i
pulled
out
my
credit
card
machine.
You
can't
get
away
from
me
now
guys.
On
the
way
home
we
made
a
quick
stop
by
the
Grand
Canyon.
Super
8mm
gangsta
style.
Larry,
livin
on
the
edge.
Darrell
brought
out
the
old
camera
and
got
himself
a
hammer
photo.
That's
it
for
this
trip!