Videograss
fools
have
been
baggin'
covers
like
crazy
this
year.
This
is
more
the
Sean
McCormick
cover
with
Justin
Bennee
in
the
background.
Check
Sean's
sweet
pose
with
his
women's
Holden
pants.
Anyways,
this
cover
is
the
perfect
example
of
why
Bob
Plumb
is
the
shit!
He
don't
give
a
fuck
who
is
in
the
shot.
He
wouldn't
tell
Sean
to
get
out
of
his
photo,
instead
he'd
rather
have
him
in
there
and
get
a
cover
that
tells
the
truth.
Solid
guy,
cheers
Bob!