Back From Denver Straight to Ogden

Back From Denver Straight to Ogden

rentalwhipDarrell only goes for the best rental cars around. 100% style right there. jedwartJed has a serious wart from schmucking frogs. darrellsleepingLife in the fast lane. crewogdenGot into SLC and there is no snow, so we headed straight to Ogden. bindingboss A little tune up on the spot. benneeblockerJustin doing some court jester moves for Johnny and Gus. benneethumbsReally excited to be back to the same spot in Ogden. 5 plus days in the same exact spot! gusguss If Gus Engle had a son he would name him Gase....Gase Engle. lungysmokeDeadlung! pizzamanOrdering pizzas right to the spot, no big deal.