thought
i
would
take
some
screen
grabs
out
of
some
of
the
shots
we
got
in
the
past
days
in
Utah.
Here
is
one
of
them.
Mike
Leblanc
posing
in
the
sunset.
What
a
sight.
Mike
and
Harrison
riding
the
grench
wench
down
a
hill.
At
least
that
thing
is
good
for
something.
Ya.
Thats
Laura
Hadar
flying
over
a
tree
upside
down.
Something
went
wrong.
But
it's
ok
she
came
out
on
top.
Thats
it
for
the
past
days.
In
this
picture
Mike
is
getting
ready
for
a
snowball
below
the
belt,
if
you
know
what
i
mean.
More
updates
coming
your
way
soon.