America Unites in Germany

img_91621 New Facebook friends. img_9178 America.  Fuck yeah. img_8262 Lance Armstrong's new Ashbury Pro Model speeders. img_8270 curly Kooley, and Boardin Joardin.  NBD img_91611 "One of the illest sequence's I've captured" said Bob Plumb after he got this shot. img_9164 Justin selling weed to these kids when they were skipping school. img_9192 ohh look who's being emotional.... big surprise img_9200 VG... Vagina and grass img_9184 WHY... WHYYYYY. WHY do they make fun of me????? img_9210 BenGay in the streets of Germany. img_82821 Jon getting pumped for this balance beem. img_9171 Justin Bennee, in his element. img_9150 Our hotel is really nice and lots of people were staying there. img_9225 Jon is excited to be here. img_9217 Me beating Bennee in a hot game of dice.  Beginners luck. img_92141 img_9232 We were in Germany so long Bennee's hair grew out and it started to rain. Thanks to Bob Plumb for some of the photo's.