Alaska Already: Final Days

Last post left off with a disappointing trip to the Portage Glacier. After finding no snow there, we decided to go hike a few pow turns. We found Johnny up there doing some skiing. Back to Anchorage for the night. Bob was really jealous of this photo I took while driving 100mph with my eyes closed in reverse. With no luck in Anchorage we geared up and drove 6 hours north to Fairbanks. Saying goodbye to the cats. Gus just left about 8 cans of food open so the cats could feed themselves. Negative 19 is pretty warm this time of year in Fairbanks. Bennee trying out the new Ashbury gas station line.
Finally in Fairbanks and Gus got the first shot....Front board to Jon spin 1080 double cork out. SMOOOOTH
Bennee quit snowboarding to take up a job as head of Security in Fairbanks.
Gus jamming out in the hotel room.
Pretty much...
Left Fairbanks after a few days because it warmed up enough to loosen the ice in Anchorage. Stopped by Skinny Dicks Halfway Inn.
Sounds like my kind of spot!
This sunset lasted honestly 1 whole hour. Maybe longer.
Finally back in Anchorage and Gus got right to that GEEEtar.
Judy's Cafe...THE JAM!
You might recognize this spot from "In Color" somehow those guys didn't break their boards.
Two down!
Third and final snapper. Clean breaks. Quite the impact on this thing.
Thanks to Big Travis at Zaks and everyone there. They saved the day and hooked Bennee up with a new board.
Back at Gus' house we found this old photo of him as a kid. He shot this moose from his bathroom window while naked. He had the gun posted up waiting for the moose for a week straight...Got lucky one morning while taking a shower.
Gus can't stop picking the guitars.
We hit this spot right before we got on the plane. After many hours of slamming on his head, Bennee finally got that darkslide.
This big unicorn bullwinkle was hanging out at the spot.
Thats all from AK. Few beers before the flight so we could sleep. See you in SLC.